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Re: [TCML] RF transformer design

Hi Finn,
   I don't know if you have seen Steve Ward's web page but he built a capacitor charging power supply that sounds like it may be what you want.

Finn Hammer <f-h@xxxx> wrote:

One thing has been high on my wish list for quite some years now.

How to design a RF power transformer, on a ferrite core, without 
resorting to trial and error.

My experience with transformer design is limited to 50Hz, and Many of 
you all remember how I built the Porkchop, but that was simple.

My present needs are in the 20-50kHz, 15-20kW range.

I have been offered a limited time trial on IEEE enterprise, with 10 
free downloads, and perhaps there are papers there, describing a usable 
Pointers to papers are invited.
If there are any of you that can suggest text books on the subject, I`d 
be grateful too.

Together with Daniel Uhrenholt, I am in the process of making a CCPS, 
based on SLR topology, and I`m stuck on designing the output transformer.

Hope someone helps :-)

heers, Finn Hammer

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