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Re: [TCML] Looking for pulse cap

David -

The current General Atomics/Maxwell datasheet for the Model 31427 gives a design life of 1.5X10E4 (15,000 shots) at 25KA, 100KV, and 20% voltage reversal. The life projections increase dramatically with reduced operating voltage and reduced voltage reversal.


See especially the operating voltage vs life and the voltage reversal vs life curves at the bottom of the spec page.

Herr Zapp

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Rieben" <drieben@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Looking for pulse cap

Hi Herr,

Wow, your Maxwell that you pulled out of storage sounds
VERY familiar to the 4 that I have. Mine are the same case
style and size that you stated except mine are model 31915
and are rated at 0.44 uFd, @ 100 kVDC. They do have
the same RMS and peak current rating as yours though and
are also rated at just 1 pps. I actually got in touch with one
of the capacitor engineers at GA and found the only caviat-
they are only rated for 6200 shots. Of course, that would
be at the full rated voltage, too, though and the life span
of a cap tends to go up like exponentially with a correspond-
ing drop in the working voltage below the max rated voltage
value, i.e. they would probably last nearly for ever being
pushed with a 14.4 kV pig in a typical ARSG coil system,
assuming they weren't pushed too hard in the RMS cur-
rent department.

David Rieben

----- Original Message ----- From: "Quarkster" <quarkster@xxxxxxx>
To: "Tesla Coil Mailing List" <tesla@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 6:19 PM
Subject: Re: [TCML] Looking for pulse cap

Dave -

After a little searching, I found a 0.4uF, 100KV Maxwell in my storage area. It's a model 31427, white single-ended plastic case, about 4" X 6" X 29" tall. I bought this as a "used" part directly from Maxwell in San Diego during a "garage sale" several years ago. It's history is completely unknown, but I haven't done anything with it since I bought it.

Maxwell's datasheet shows a peak current rating of 25K amps, RMS current of 25 amps, and an inductance of 20nH. However, rep rate is only 1Hz.

The question is, what kind of a pulse rate "derating" could be applied if it was only used at 10KV and 2500 amps?

Herr Zapp

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