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[TCML] VTTC primary and feedback guidelines

Dear Group,
I understand that when building a VTTC we are impedance matching coils but
I have been unable to find guidlines on how to do this.

Is there a way to calculate how many turns would be needed to get the
perfect or near perfect match between primaries and secondaries and
feedback coils?

I noticed I was getting less length in arcs after tuning roughly two
secondaries. Both with the same amount of windings but different guages. I
got 40cm off the .25mm wire with 800 turns and 15cm off 1mm with 800 turns.

I don't want to keep winding secondaries and feedbacks and would like a way
to calculate it.

Also I noticed some feedback coils turn the tubes on more powerfully than
others even with physically moving them.  I only have basic tools. A
multimeter! I need a variac and oscilloscope but have no budget for them.

I have used tc calculators but they focus on spark gap coils.

Sorry if this has been addressed previously.

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