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Re: [TCML] Maxwell pulse capacitor

Hello Tyler,

I should also mention that two of the 0.25, 50 KV capacitors in series would also be a nice choice if the cost isn't outrageous. This should be roughly equivalent to the single 0.118, 100 KV capacitor. This all assumes that the capacitors are rated for your spark gap firing rate (120 or 240 BPS or more for async).

Steve White
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tyler LaVite" <tlavite@xxxxxxxxx>
To: tesla@xxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2018 4:46:17 PM
Subject: [TCML] Maxwell pulse capacitor

I’m buying a maxwell pulse capacitor for my 25kva pole pig. Couple options here which is the best one to buy these are what’s available.

125uF @ 40kv
.25uF @ 50kv
.118uF @ 100kv
.101uF @ 40kv
5.4uF @ 20kv
.252uF @ 50kv
.251uF @ 50kv

What are your guys thoughts on the best one for just messing around no specific use maybe possibly use it in a larger Tesla coil then my current one this summer.

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