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Re: [TCML] approximate value of these items

Wow, I guess now I feel very lucky I managed to snag 3 12/60 and a 15/30 in
pristine condition for $80 total! Granted this was 20 years ago, but it's
great to learn how much they have appreciated in value since that time -
and they are still in perfect condition and work beautifully (never used
for TC duty).


On Wed, Oct 9, 2019, 7:47 AM David Rieben <drieben@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Bob,
> I suppose to put it in terms of economics, it depends on what the market
> will bare. I can offer a ‘suggested retail price’ for you to ponder with
> your items, though. Assuming the 12/60 NSTs to be the old style, iron core
> and non-GFI type, I would think that $200 each (and maybe $350 for both to
> encourage the collection of both in one transaction) would be a good asking
> price to start with.
> As for the 7.5 kV/120ma NST, due to the scarcity of 120 ma units in any
> common voltage, I would probably start out asking $300 for this jewel and
> see if I got any nibbles.
> As for the PT, although eBay sellers tend to ask a small fortune (>$600
> and up) for the higher distribution voltage rated surplus (and used)
> potential transformers, these same transformers also tend to REMAIN on eBay
> at these rather exorbitant prices. To arouse the interest of hobby high
> voltage enthusiasts, I would probably start off asking around $250 for this
> unit.
> The pole pig is probably pretty much in the same boat as the PT and I
> would probably ask a similar price for it. Although PTs and pole pigs are
> serious work horses for spark gap Tesla coil work, they are indeed true
> electrocution hazards, quite heavy and require additionally weighty and
> costly ballasting to be usable. Also, due to the onslaught of much lighter
> and more versatile solid state coils (DRSSTCs) to the cooling community
> over the past couple of decades, the demand for classic spark gap coil
> hardware has waned, although not completely disappeared, during this same
> time frame. I would probably also add the ‘OBO’ acronym to each of my
> prices to show that my prices are open to negotiation.
> Of course, another real clencher for the potential purchaser of your goods
> is the shipping and handling charges that will be incurred by the
> transportation of these massive items. Your location would need to be
> considered by those who would fain interest in any of your hardware, who
> may be close enough to come and pick up their-self to defer the costly
> shipping charges.
> David Rieben
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Oct 7, 2019, at 11:04 PM, Robert Arenella <rja12@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >         We are contemplating a move in the near future & I might try to
> lighten the load.  Would appreciate if you could put some dollar figures on
> a few items.
> > 1) Have a matched pair of 12KV / 60mA NST's.  Both working & good
> cosmetics.
> > 2) 7500 volt / 120mA NST. Works & good cosmetics.
> > 3) 13.2KV PT. Works, good cosmetics.
> > 4) 14.4KV / 5KVA dual bushing pole pig. same condition as above.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bob
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