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Re: T&R Electric - No More...

Original poster: "Edward Wingate by way of Terry Fritz <teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <ewing7-at-rochester.rr-dot-com>

Tesla list wrote:
 > Original poster: "Mccauley, Daniel H by way of Terry Fritz 
<teslalist-at-qwest-dot-net>" <daniel.h.mccauley-at-lmco-dot-com>
 > Jeff,
 > You really can't place all the blame on these individuals.  Its the
 > nature of the society we are growing up in.
 > Liability this, liability that, and the ease of seemingly "free" money
 > by those vultures (lawyers)  Chances are, some
 > person got seriously hurt using this equipment and his/her medical
 > insurance didn't cover the costs.  Again, the nature of
 > medical insurance in this country.  After visiting a lawyer, a lawsuit
 > may have been placed on the vendor to cover medical costs and any other
 > lawsuits the *lawyer* saw fit and voila.
 > I know it is really disapointing to see this happening, but with today's
 > society and dwindling health benefits you *really*
 > can't put all the blame on the individual.  You have to put yourself
 > into that person's shoes before making any harsh judgements. Of course,
 > I have no idea what the actual circumstances are, but consider the
 > following before making judgements on others.  What if you yourself had
 > both your arms blown off by a high voltage accident and only 50% of your
 > medical coverage was covered. Suppose that 50% was $50,000 after
 > numerous operations etc...
 > I know we all tend to act and be honorable when it comes to taking
 > responsibility for our own actions, but until one actually experiences
 > something terrible (i.e. bad medical mishap etc...), you really can't
 > preach how you would act under those
 > circumstances.
 > Of course again, I have no idea the circumstances surrounding these
 > lawsuits.  If it *is* just a material defect complaint / lawsuit, then
 > yes, I agree with you 100%.  But if medical injury is involved, thats a
 > whole 'nother story.
 > The Captain


The blame lies COMPLETELY with those individuals!!! When you jump into a
dangerous hobby and buy equipment (E.G.. pole transformer) and use it
for a purpose that it was never intended to be used for, then any
injuries incurred are ABSOLUTELY your fault! If you blow both arms off,
apparently you didn't know what you were doing. Too bad about your arms
and the medical insurance. If you kill yourself with it, that's the
natural selection process kicking in.  Why should someone else be liable
for your screw up?  A pole transformer 40 feet up a power pole being
used as intended poses very little threat to your well being, but if you
bring it into your domain and play with it you should be prepared to
live with any repercussions. Live with your decisions! Lick your wounds,
learn a huge life lesson and move on. It's called personal

What will happen if some lawmaker sees all of this going on and decides
to make points with the general public by making those dangerous Tesla
coils illegal?

Far fetched? Think about it! It could happen!

Jeff P., I'm truly saddened to see my predictions coming to fruition.

Ed Wingate RATCB