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RE: Salvage Yards around Philadelphia area ? ? ?

Original poster: Tesla729-at-cs-dot-com 

"Tesla list" <tesla-at-pupman-dot-com> wrote:

 >Original poster: dhmccauley-at-spacecatlighting-dot-com
 >As my high voltage tastes increase, so does the dollar value of items I
 >Anyways, I'm looking to possibly search some salvage yards in search of some
 >potential transformers, but haven't the first clue on how to even find them.
 >Seems all salvage yards listed in the phone book and on the internet are
 >automotive yards.
 >The only local salvage yard I keep hearing about is the one in Richmond, VA,
 >but thats a 4 hour drive.
 >Any help appreciated.

Hi Dan,

Yep, I hear you! I have the same problem here in the
Memphis, TN metro area. All of the salvage yards seem
to be mainly automotive. I know there is a big scrap
metal yard in my area but I'm not sure that they would
let me go digging thru their mountain of scrap metal
in search of that perfect variac or PT ;^( I've aquired
most of my small cache of electrical "toys" off of
eBay, except for my pole pig). I actually picked it up
the pole pig at a transformer rebuilder about 140 miles
from here. IMHO it was worth the drive since it looked brand
new and has given me nearly 4 years now of great performance
w/out a hitch and cost me $270, plus a tank of gas ;^)

David Rieben