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Re: CAD (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 16:36:28 -0800
From: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: CAD (fwd)

High Voltage list wrote:
> Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxx>
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2003 14:34:33 -0800 (PST)
> From: Yurtle Turtle <yurtle_t@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: CAD (fwd)
> > Offers of illegally copied ("pirated") software is
> > in extremely poor taste.  :(
> <snip>
> > Their full-blown commercial version is
> > also available for a 30 day free trial, but it does
> > stop working after that time - even after
> > uninstalling completely.
> Sounds like someone tried to "illegally" use their 30
> day free trial for more than 30 days by "uninstalling
> completely" :-(
> Adam
> [All you have to do is, every 30 days, reformat your hard disk, reload
> Windoze, and load the 30-day trial.  Everything should work just fine
> forever ;-) SRR]

	Used to use a lot of software at work that which had the license paid
for annually.  It wasn't uncommon for the licences to laps due to
laziness on someonne's part.  On of our spunky gal programmers found out
that, at least for the stuff she was using, she could just reset the
clock on her machine back a few months and all was well again.  That was
some years ago and I suspect the programs are more sophisticated now and
that thirty days is thirty days, no matter what the clock on the PC
says.  Of course, might be worth a try???????

	I have a somewhat different problem.  I used to have Claris Draw
(almost but not quite as good as Mac Draw which I'be been using for many
years) installed on my PC at work and use it a lot (schematics for one
thing, and general problems in geometry) but big brother came along and
"improved" things and in the process seemed to have nuked Draw.  Problem
is that Claris is long gone and I can't find any copies of the program.
Question:  Would it be unethical to try to pick it off another machine
and put it on mine?  Unlicensed, but to whom would the license payment


[Ed, if you need to assuage your conscience, just let me know and I'll
send you my address offline.  Payment in small, unmarked bills please...