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Re: Pelletron / patent 3,469,118 / (1969) (fwd)

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Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 14:30:12 EST
From: Lyonelb@xxxxxxx
To: hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Pelletron / patent 3,469,118 / (1969) (fwd)

Dans un courrier daté du 19/01/04 19:38:48, hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx a écrit :

   For historical purposes..
I could mention that in France (?) at one time, consideration was
given to an analogous machine, using 'dust particles' suspended in
a closed, airflow driven circuit. (plumbing.).  Corona combs
would have been sealed into the tubing, etc, etc.

I've no idea if the machine was ever built/tested...>>

This machine had been conceived around 1936 by M. Pauthenier and all. (La
Sorbonne , Paris ) They proposed  to used a flow of charged particles ( glass
spheres of a few microns in diameter), circulating in a closed insulating pipe
instead of the classical belt of the original apparatus. A blower produced a 60
m.p.s flow of these particles in the loop pipe. In 1937 a Pauthenier
Generator produced a voltage of about 1,8 MV.

This design was still described in first patents of Van de Graaff.

For more details  cf my web site : page