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RE: Of Mice and HV (fwd)

Original poster: Steven Roys <sroys@xxxxxxxxxx>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2006 16:17:56 -0400
From: Paul Kidwell <tmb@xxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Of Mice and HV (fwd)

I seem to recall that "someone" had an idea for a self-cleaning raccoon
eliminator. You could make one using a smaller PVC drain pipe to take care of

Take one PVC drain pipe, maybe 4' long.
Install an end cap on one end.
Drill two holes on opposite sides of the tube, about 6" up from the end cap.
Install nuts and bolts in the holes similar to the way you'd arrange a spark
Set gap wide enough so no spark will jump.
Put bait in bottom of tube to attract mouse.
Connect bolts to 60KV pulse discharge cap.(as in the big 200 pound variety)
Prop PVC pipe so closed end sits against good backstop and open end is aimed at
a dumpster.
Provide ramp to allow mice to gain access to open end of barrel.
Connect cap to charging circuit.

Mouse spells food, climbs ramp, crawls down PVC pipe, hits electrodes, partially
vaporizes, causing explosive expansion of gasses, propelling mouse out the open
end of the tube and into dumpster.

PVC pipe is now clear, charging circuit recharges cap.

System is ready for next mouse.

I'd pay to see that.

Paul Kidwell
VP of R & D
Preferred Engineering
A division of CPRIII, Inc.
380 South Street
Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 652-2900 Ext. 13