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Emailing: 4.5 run 1.1, 4.5 run 1.3

Original poster: "Ken Jenkins" <thecompman-at-adelphia-dot-net> 

Hi all, This is the first run of a new coil, the 2nd is a old setup from me
kids jr-high science project. It sat in the garage 14 years ;} now back in
10kv pig,210v two legs of 3ph- I wonder what that waveform dose to the 1ph
pig??,2 500' spools of 10g for ballast. 2 45kv .02 Maxwell caps,7 tube fan
cooled SG. and very temp primary of 7 turns of 00 welder cable on 4 gal
bucket. I was getting 6+ foot strikes to the ladder. Now to start tuning and
cleaning up the old thing.

