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Re: [TCML] Chris Bohrs' RF burn

Hi Frosty,

Yep, I've had all the shocks your talking about, but Chris specifically called out an rf burn. All the shocks your talking about are not rf burns. Their simply shocks from the variac, cabinet, etc.. and I'm sure as power is increased, you notice those shocks get more violent. An rf burn however is a shock that is electrically occurring at some rf oscillation. This is a bit different. You may or may not feel it at first. Usually with variac shocks as you described, you feel those right away. Just enough to let you know it's there, and the higher the power, the more powerful the shock.

Take care,

Frosty wrote:
I've had the same thing from my solid state coil, I get RF burns from
touching just about anything conductive near the coil, including another
secondary, the variac case, wheel (its an old one with a metal knob for some
reason). Another secondary (or anything conductive) near a runnign coil
would intercept enough of the field near the coil to have some voltage
induced in it.

I wouldn't call this a beginners mistake.
I've never heard of someone getting an rf burn from holding another
secondary, but then, it's not a common situation.
Was the secondary completely unconnected to anything else (sort of say a
small secondary coil)?


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