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Re: A solution for the re entrant portion (VDG) (fwd)

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Date: Fri, 13 Feb 2004 16:11:56 -0800
From: Ed Phillips <evp@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: High Voltage list <hvlist@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: A solution for the re entrant portion (VDG) (fwd)

A colleague put together a water dropper here at the lab and it works
nicely.  A distinct "zap" and visible spark every couple seconds.
from the separation of the gap, about 5-10 kV.  The nifty thing is that

the charge builds up, the droplets start spraying around.

	That's why I wonder whether a fancier machine would work any better.

Nylon wire ties
and PVC pipe were the construction method.

I've always wanted to build a "big" water dropper (trash can/shower head
sized)... You'd need a recirculating pump, but those are easy to come

	Have you seen any results from anyone who has?  More current but no
more voltage?

I think Antonio has a scanned article from a Frenchman about 100 years
who built a very nice "shower head" type water dropper, with 4 heads,
charging rings and 4 collectors.

One could make a very pretty system with nice polished brass and copper

	Thanks.  I gather that there wasn't a problem with moisture adhering to
the surface of the PVC; I'd been worried about that but was going to try
it anyway.
