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Re: NSTand PT replacement xmfrs

Original poster: "Eastern Voltage Research Corporation" <dhmccauley-at-easternvoltageresearch-dot-com> 

 > Perhaps also significant (to some of the over-40 crowd) is the aesthetic.
 > plastic monolith PSU does not appeal to everyone, just as sailplane
 > enthusiasts don't often use rocket-assist take-off, and most model-T
 > do not have turbochargers on their toys.

YES!  But . . .

A traditional tesla coil complete with high voltage transformer, high
voltage capacitors, big rotary spark gap
*LOOKS* like it will throw out huge arcs.  Just like a Frankenstein movie!

But when you can generate almost seven foot arcs from a dinky little set-up
consisting of a single electrolytic capacitor
and a PCB board with a few pieces of silicon on it powered off the line. . .

Then again, when you hear Ed Wingate powering up his rotary spark gap
complete with high powered squirrel cage fans, and see those monstrous
arcs eminate from his magnifier - NOW THAT IS VERY IMPRESSIVE!

Again, I'm not saying that spark gap coils are dead or obsolete.  I'm merely
saying that SSTC coils are heading into a very exciting and positive
direction and the future looks very bright for them.
