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Re: MOT leakage

Original poster: FIFTYGUY-at-aol-dot-com 

In a message dated 11/8/04 7:24:09 PM Eastern Standard Time, tesla-at-pupman-dot-com

 > You might like to try "mating" the E parts of two identical MOTs together
 >  and connecting the primaries and secondaries in series. This will give the
 >  same output voltage but will half the peak flux density so it should run
 >  much quieter and leak less flux.

     Forgive me, but I'm not as well versed in transformers as perhaps I
should be:
     Why not interconnect the windings as you have suggested, but leave the
transformers intact and separated? Wouldn't you have the same flux density, 
in a modular setup without the hassle of dismantling them? Or is making the
core a common component essential to balanced output?
     I always suspected those MOT's were a bit small for their output.

-Phil LaBudde