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Re: Skinny TC problems?

Original poster: "Dr. Resonance" <resonance-at-jvlnet-dot-com> 

Output potential is proportional to the inductance of the coil, L, x di/dt
rate change of current.  The larger the inductance the better the output
within reason of course.  To get the L value large the inductance goes up as
the square of the radius of the coil, so for better performance go with the
largest coilform you can find.

Use 6 or even 8 inch dia PVC tube.  Keep secondary turns to between 1,200
and 1,500.  This will keep your inductance, L, very high which is important.

Use a height to dia (coilform) of 4.5:1 which will give you good performance
when you get it all tuned up.

Dr. Resonance

Resonance Research Corporation
E11870 Shadylane Rd.
Baraboo   WI   53913
 > Hi, I have abit of a problem with my tesla coil.. first some stats.
 > Secondary: 28 awg, 850~ turns or so, 11" winding height, 1 1/4" PVC pipe
 > (0.875" from center). 12" major diamiter toroid, about 2" minor
 > 1.5" from center primary about 8 turns, 0.01uf primary cap (Not dead set
 > using this value of primary cap or primary)
 > Problem being this coil runs at the rather insane freqency of 580khz
 > according to the tesla coil calculator. allready have the secondary
 > constructed (DOH, should of calced first then built :( )
 > Iv only been able to get about 2 and 1/2" arcs no matter how much I try
 > tune it, and changeing turns seems to have next to 0 effect on the output.
 > So, questions are:
 > Should I keep trying to tune it?
 > If so, with such a high freqency, should I try lowering the primary cap
 > using a flat primary, or is a cylinder primary ok at 1.5"?
 > Or try and lower secondary freqency?
 > if I need to lower freqency, is my only option a large toroid?
 > or is there another decent way?
 > Like puting a grounded metal mesh wall 2' around the coil?
 > Finaly, if I was going to make another coil about 12" tall winding height,
 > with 28 guage wire, (aprox 900 turns) what size PVC pipe should I get? 3"
? 2"?